WONCA Full Member Organization

Congratulation, we are now officially a WONCA Full Member Organization

We are pleased to announce that the Family Medicine Specialists’ Association Malaysia has officially been accepted as a WONCA Full Member Organization during the recent WONCA Executive meeting at Bangkok, Thailand in November 2019.

FMSA will be part of WONCA Asia Pacific Region. As a full member, FMSA will enjoy benefits as follows:

1. FMSA will be listed on WONCA website which will link to the FMSA webpage.

2. FMSA will be able to advertise our conferences, including the upcoming 23rd Family Medicine Scientific Conference 2020 on the WONCA Website and through FMSA, members are encouraged to send news for the WONCA’s monthly newsletter. The website is

3. Representatives of FMSA will be invited to join WONCA Council which meets before each World conference.

Becoming WONCA full member Organization definitely will open the door for FMSA member to develop a networking with the  international Family Medicine community.


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